New posts in ambiguity

A sentence with double negative [closed]

Is this question ambiguous?

Could "giving aids" be ambiguous?

What does "pending publication" mean?

Why does "eastwardly" have two opposite meanings?

English equivalent of the French "trompe-oreilles"?

Trying to understand but getting mixed opinions [closed]

Is the following information being said in the implied quote, to the reader, or is it ambiguous

What is the correct interpretation of "Crazy Rich Asians"?

Does "almost the first ten" mean "almost first" or "almost ten"?

What does "Will Lift Sanctions" mean? [closed]

What is the difference between "to benefit from" and "to profit from"? [closed]

How to denote a larger distance

"sallow complexion"

"My late friends" — they're not dead!

'some degree of' - a little or a lot?

Could not - was incapable of, was capable of not, or ambiguous?

Use of "may need to" when you actually need to

Help with ambiguous syntax tree [closed]

The relationship between and correct usage of the words Chronometry and Horology