New posts in algorithms

How to efficiently determine if two propositions are equivalent?

Worst case analysis of MAX-HEAPIFY procedure .

Algorithm for obtaining the surface of a mirror

Simplifying polynomials

A graph problem

How can one efficiently generate n small relatively prime integers?

Given a desired coloring scheme for a stick, how can I brush it with the fewest steps?

Minimum Size of Word Search Containing All Strings of Length $l$

A problem about symmetric relations on finite sets.

RGB to HSV Color Conversion Algorithm

Knuth's mastermind algorithm

What does this step in the following matrix algorithm mean?

Pouring water from bottles

How to check if an integer has a prime number in it?

In-place inversion of large matrices

Adapted Towers of Hanoi from Concrete Mathematics - number of arrangements

How to generate a random preference relation on a finite set uniformly?

Divide $1^2,2^2..,81^2$ numbers into 3 groups.

Optimize table layout

How to calculate the number of decimal digits for a binary number?