New posts in algorithms

Computing irrational numbers

Counting subsets containing three consecutive elements (previously Summation over large values of nCr)

How to find the 3 fastest horses?

How to accurately calculate the error function $\operatorname{erf}(x)$ with a computer?

Can every number be written as a small sum of sums of squares?

Calculator algorithms

Efficient way to determine if a number is Perfect Square

How can I find the square root using pen and paper?

Computational complexity of least square regression operation

Quickest way to determine a polynomial with positive integer coefficients

Is there (or can there be) a general algorithm to solve Rubik's cubes of any dimension?

How can I (algorithmically) count the number of ways n m-sided dice can add up to a given number?

Non-power-of-2 FFT's?

Is War necessarily finite?

Convergence of block coordinate descent over nonconvex sets

Find minimum number of Increasing subsequences.

How is this possible to convert a long string to a number with less characters?

An optimal non-bipartite matching (Python implementation)

How does one compute the sign of a permutation?

How do I calculate Euclidean and Manhattan distance by hand?