New posts in algorithms

Finding the intersection point of many lines in 3D (point closest to all lines)

easy to implement method to fit a power function (regression)

How do Gap generate the elements in permutation groups?

Transforming $2D$ outline into $3D$ plane

Finding location of a point on 2D plane, given the distances to three other know points

Detecting perfect squares faster than by extracting square root

Algorithm wanted: Enumerate all subsets of a set in order of increasing sums

How to solve this algorithmic math olympiad problem?

Show the set of symetric postive semidefinite is a cone in $\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ [closed]

Sudoku with special properties

Rewriting repeated integer division with multiplication

How to solve Kepler's equation $M=E-\varepsilon \sin E$ for $E$?

Is 'every exponential grows faster than every polynomial?' always true?

maximum eigenvalue of a diagonal plus rank-one matrix

Algorithm to compute Gamma function

What is the time complexity of Euclid's Algorithm (Upper bound,Lower Bound and Average)?

Concrete FFT polynomial multiplication example

Is there a possibility to choose fairly from three items when every choice can only have 2 options

Can algebraic numbers be compared using only rational arithmetic?

Determining if an arbitrary point lies inside a triangle defined by three points?