New posts in algebraic-geometry

Introduction to ring theory?

Geometrically, why do line bundles have inverses with respect to the tensor product?

Best way to learn Algebraic Geometry?

Does every Noetherian domain have finitely many height 1 prime ideals?

Affine variety over a field which is not algebraically closed can be written as the zero set of a single polynomial

An interesting topological space with $4$ elements

Why can't elliptic curves be parameterized with rational functions?

Why is there "no analogue of $2i\pi$ in $\mathbf C_p$"?

Homotopy invariance of the Picard group

what is a "dévissage" argument?

Show that in a quasi-compact scheme every point has a closed point in its closure

intuition on the projection formula

What are normal schemes intuitively?

Can an integral scheme have closed points of both positive and zero characteristic?

Studying Deformation Theory of Schemes

Are "$n$ by $n$ matrices with rank $k$" an affine algebraic variety?

The bijection between homogeneous prime ideals of $S_f$ and prime ideals of $(S_f)_0$

The prime spectrum of a Dedekind Domain

Use irreducible fibers to show $X$ is irreducible

Homogeneous forms of degree $n$ in $n$ indeterminates over $\mathbb{Z}$: which ones come from the norm of a number field?