New posts in algebraic-geometry

Invertible germs imply invertible section

A polynomial with nowhere surjective derivative

Is there an algebraic reason why a torus can't contain a projective space?

What is a local parameter in algebraic geometry?

Why is the coordinate ring of a projective variety not determined by the isomorphism class of the variety?

Prove that sheaf hom is a sheaf.

Existence of valuation rings in an algebraic function field of one variable

Cross-ratio of Conics on a pencil of conics

Why are period integrals naïve periods?

Is there a complex surface into which every Riemann surface embeds?

How to compute localizations of quotients of polynomial rings

The vanishing ideal $I_{K[x,y]}(A\!\times\!B)$ is generated by $I_{K[x]}(A) \cup I_{K[y]}(B)$?

Reference for the analytic valuative criterion of properness

What is an intuitive meaning of genus?

Why does the integral domain "being trapped between a finite field extension" implies that it is a field?

The idea behind the notion of dualizing sheaf

Why doesn't Hom commute with taking stalks?

Are there more materials about multiplicative sequence?

Injectivity of Homomorphism in Localization

Why isn't $\mathbb{C}[x,y,z]/(xz-y)$ a flat $\mathbb{C}[x,y]$-module