New posts in algebraic-geometry

Toy sheaf cohomology computation

Hom / tensor adjunction for $O_X$ modules?

Ring of polynomials as a module over symmetric polynomials

Projective Normality

Inverse image of the sheaf associated to a module

What is the importance of modules in algebraic geometry?

Closed points in projective space correspond to which homogenous prime ideals in $k[x_0,...,x_n]$

Proving that the genus of a nonsingular plane curve is $\frac{(d-1)(d-2)}{2}$

In what sense is $p$-adic Hodge theory related to ordinary (complex) Hodge theory?

Finding a non-degenerated quadric containing three projective lines in $\mathbb{P}^3(\mathbb{C})$

Simple example of an ample line bundle that is not very ample

How to think of the Zariski tangent space

Who first called the Grothendieck's schéma scheme?

Closed immersions are stable under base change

Usefulness of completion in commutative algebra

Algebraic Geometry Text Recommendation

Why can a trigonal genus 5 curve be represented as a plane quintic with a node?

What is an intuitive Geometrical explanation of a "sheaf?"

Dominant morphism between affine varieties induces injection on coordinate rings?

Projective closure in the Zariski and Euclidean topologies