New posts in algebraic-geometry

Favourite applications of the Nakayama Lemma

What problems, ideas or questions first got you interested in algebraic geometry?

Homological methods in algebraic geometry

If $A$ is reduced, Spec $A$ has no embedded points

Proving normality of affine schemes

What is $\operatorname{Spec}\mathbf{C}[[x,y]]/(y^{2} - x^{3} - x^{2})$?

Geometric interpretation and computation of the Normal bundle

Why should faithfully flat descent preserve so many properties?

Parametrizing an algebraic curve

What does the Hodge conjecture mean?

Exterior tensor product of structure sheaves

Open affine neighborhood of points

Modules over a functor of points

Working out the normalization of $\mathbb C[X,Y]/(X^2-Y^3)$

Krull Dimension of a scheme

functoriality of derivations

cones in the derived category

Möbius strip and $\mathscr O(-1)$. Or $\mathscr O(1)$?

Review on Riemannian Geometry

Principal $G$-bundles in Zariski vs étale topology