New posts in algebraic-geometry

Krull dimension of $\mathbb{C}[x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4]/\left< x_1x_3-x_2^2,x_2 x_4-x_3^2,x_1x_4-x_2 x_3\right>$

Continuous map of differentiable manifolds is differentiable if differentiable functions pull back to differentiable functions

Krylov-like method for solving systems of polynomials?

Sections of sheaves of modules: reference

Study of rings of the form $R+I$

When exactly is a compact complex manifold algebraic?

A space of ideals

modular forms and line bundle

How to complete Vakil's proof that the composition of projective morphisms are projective when the target is quasicompact?

Intuition behind Hilbert's Nullstellensatz

Are there applications of noncommutative geometry to number theory?

Complex manifold with subvarieties but no submanifolds

Zero locus vs Affine varieties?? [closed]

Why are Riemann surfaces algebraic curves?

Global Optimization and Real Algebraic Geometry

When does Sheafification commute with direct image?

Concrete Problems that can be solved by appealing to a Moduli Space

Is there any holomorphic version of the tubular neighborhood theorem?

Dualizing object in the duality between commutative rings and affine schemes

Given a germ, does there always exist a sequence of compatible germs restricting to it