New posts in algebraic-geometry

Scheme over S and morphisms

defining a dominant rational map from an algebra homomorphism (Theorem I 4.4 in Hartshorne)

How should I think about Ihara's Lemma?

(Ir)reducibility criteria for homogeneous polynomials

Why is a variety etale locally like affine space?

Continuity of rational functions between affine algebraic sets

When is the global section functor exact?

Motivation of Localization

Hartshorne Exercise II.6.9(a): Picard group of a singular curve

Why can algebraic geometry be applied into theoretical physics?

Show that the dimention of the intersection of projective linear sub-spaces of dimentions $d_1$ and $d_2$ of $\mathbb{P}^n$ is bigger than $d_1+d_2-n$

Why is the Complete Flag Variety an algebraic variety?

How can hypersurfaces "know" the degree of their defining polynomials?

Arbitrary products of quasi-coherent sheaves?

Algebraic Geometry in String Theory?

Are the sheaves of $n$-forms well-defined for singular varieties?

Action of finite group of automorphisms on Spec A

Product of two algebraic varieties is affine... are the two varieties affine?

Explanation of "generic point" with examples?

For what algebraic curves do rational points form a group?