New posts in abstract-algebra

Finding a Galois extension of $\Bbb Q$ of degree $3$

Automorphism on integers

What is the minimal number of generators of the ideal $(6x, 10x^2, 15x^3)$ in $\Bbb Z[x]$?

definition of a groupoid

Why adjoining non-Archimedean element doesn't work as calculus foundation?

$AB \neq 0$ but $BA=0$

Is it possible to learn ring theory if one's familiar, but not good at group theory? [closed]

In a ring, how do we prove that a * 0 = 0?

Basic exercise on localization of modules

Show $Gal(E/\mathbb{Q})\cong \mathbb{\mathbb{Z_2\times Z_2}}$

Is it true that an element of a group whose order divides the order a subgroup is an element of the subgroup

Intuition regarding Chevalley-Warning Theorem

Definitions of direct product and of direct sum

Relationship between algebraically closed fields and complete metric spaces?

Do we gain anything interesting if the stabilizer subgroup of a point is normal?

why is a nullary operation a special element, usually 0 or 1?

why $χ$ is linear combination of identity representation and regular representation with integer coefficients?

Injectivity of $I\leadsto V_I(-)$ and relation to Hilbert's Nullstellensatz

Commutative rings without assuming identity

Should a ring be closed under multiplication?