New posts in 3d

Plotting a point on the edge of a sphere

Area of Projection of Tetrahedron

Finding a 4th point in 3D space knowing 3 other points and 2 distances to the 4th point from them

Overlap volume of three spheres

Every three of $n$ points is the vertices of an isosceles triangle. What is the max of $n$?

Fitting a dodecahedron inside a cube

Improved Area Lighting in WebGL & ThreeJS

How to convert .obj or .stl files to .mesh?

Painter's algorithm inside and outside test

Why do 3D engines primarily use triangles to draw surfaces?

interpolate 3D volume with numpy and or scipy

Decomposing a quarternion into unit axes rotations

How do I use the shell method to calculate the volume of this region between two solids of revolution?

What to use? Tao, SharpGL, OpenTK, DirectX P/Invoke, XNA, MDX, SlimDX, Windows API Codec Pack [closed]

How Do You Cut the Maximum Volume Cuboid from a General 3D Shape?

Howto disable 3d effects/compiz on 12.10? [duplicate]

How to use FFMPEG to stack two equirectangular images to top/bottom format?

Figuring out matrix convention

landscape generator in ubuntu

Probability that $\displaystyle \vert x\vert +\vert y\vert +\vert z\vert +\vert x+y+z\vert=\vert x+y\vert +\vert x+z\vert +\vert y+z\vert$