How do you say you accept something wrong being done?

How do you say when you are NOT doing anything wrong, but you are part of it by not pointing out the crime/situation....

e.g.: You are married to your wife and she starts to get fatter....the fatter she gets, the sadder you became ....and you do not say anything about it so you are ___________.

The word missing is the one I need.

In portuguese we have the word


which fits perfectly.

However, in English I am not sure about what to use.

Solution 1:

Even though you are NOT doing anything wrong but NOT pointing out the crime/situation, as you say, does make you a conniver.

Also according to MW:

1 : to pretend ignorance of or fail to take action against something one ought to oppose


  • The government connived in the rebels' military buildup.

  • The principal connived at all the school absences that were recorded on the day of the city's celebration of its Super Bowl victory

Solution 2:

Rather than a single word, the common expression "turning a blind eye" would suit this situation.

From the Free Dictionary, "turning a blind eye":

To ignore something and pretend you do not see it. How can you turn a blind eye to all those starving children?

To choose to ignore behaviour that you know is wrong. I knew Hugo was taking the money but I turned a blind eye because he was my sister's child. (often + to ) Management often turn a blind eye to bullying in the workplace.