What's the word for things naturally not attracting or mixing with each other? [closed]

Solution 1:

Here, 'Repulsion' can be used. But it's a strong word. In simpler cases you can go with the words 'Aversion', 'Disinclination'.

"I don't find them interesting and the feeling is mutual. So I'm happy for this natural disinclination/aversion"

Solution 2:

How about immiscibility? This extends the analogy from chemistry of mixing, that you cited regarding oil and water. But your suggested sentence might read a little better, if it relaxed the single-word requirement and was something like:-

I don't find them interesting and the feeling is mutual. So I'm happy for us to be socially less than miscible.

Ref miscible (in Chemistry)

Solution 3:


For example from the Journal of Psychology :

Natural segregation occurs everywhere in nature, in business (all auto agencies in same neighborhood). Natural segregation allows like to enjoy like.

And from Sociology:

Natural segregation is found wherever cliques form.

Solution 4:

Heterogeneous (or heterogeneity in your example)

In the sciences it would be a term for an oil/water mixture; in language it would be a term for a diverse mixture.