New posts in xserver

Variant on the NotWakingUpAfterSuspend problem

How to get the list of open windows from xserver

Can't open Nvidia X Server settings

VNC over lightdm results in blank screen

How to recover Ubuntu from text mode?

How can I disable all display managers?

capture login screen-not sucssecful

WSL 2: Run Graphical Linux Desktop Applications from Windows 10 Bash Shell "Error E233: cannot open display" [closed]

How to install package xorg-server

Change shortcut that restarts X Server (Ctrl-Alt-Backspace)

Gnome 3 always hangs after logon

How to fix X Error: BadAccess, BadDrawable, BadShmSeg while running graphical application using Docker?

nvidia drivers fail completely after update to 3.5.019

How to get sound in a separate X server in Ubuntu 11.04 or later?

How is NVIDIA Prime Render Offloading configured in Ubuntu 20.04?

Ubuntu 14.04 - No Unity in user account, but in guest account

X-server crashes when using the pen on graphics tablet

XServer Error could not create lock file

SSH -X "Warning: untrusted X11 forwarding setup failed: xauth key data not generated"

How can I *disable* Ctrl+Alt+Backspace?