Gnome 3 always hangs after logon

Solution 1:

I had similar issues with Ubuntu 12.04 and Gnome 3.4. I managed to minimize the frequency of the freezes by doing the following:

  • Disable proprietary video drivers
  • Add ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3 to sources and update
  • Also you can try to wait for 30 sec. before logging in. It might sound silly, but I think not all components are ready when the login screen is presented to the user. (you can blame Canonical for trying to cheat on the start-up times :) )

The only thing that solved this problem for good, in my case at least, was to upgrade to Ubuntu 12.10 and Gnome 3.6.

Solution 2:


As this is a flash install, we can create a new user.

  1. Login from text terminal
  2. Add a new user

    sudo adduser <username>
  3. Add new user to sudo group, or admin

    sudo adduser <username> sudo
  4. Switch back to X and try login with new user

Things To Try

  • Update

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade