I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 . If more information is needed, please tell me. I Tried some guides to cature my login screen:

How can I take a screenshot of the login screen?


I tried the first one, but after running:

$ sudo bash /tmp/shot.sh >/tmp/shot.xwd

I'm getting this:

No protocol specified
No protocol specified    
xwd unable to open display ':0'

and i'm getting an xwd file in my tmp folder. running the other commands giving errors.

tried the second one, after running:

chvt 8; sleep 5; XAUTHORITY=/var/gdm/:0.Xauth DISPLAY=:0.0 import -window root /tmp/gdm-login-shot.png

I got:

No protocol specified
No protocol specified
import: unable to open X server ':0.0' @ error/import.c/ImportImageCommand/366 

Many Thanks for helping (:

EDIT to vine_user: here the output from the terminal-I cacked it from within the system while I'm looged in:

ubuntu@PrecisePangolin:~$ echo 'sleep 5; DISPLAY=:0 XAUTHORITY=/var/run/lightdm/root/$DISPLAYDISPLAY xwd -root' > /tmp/shot.sh
ubuntu@PrecisePangolin:~$ sudo bash /tmp/shot.sh >/tmp/shot.xwd
bash: /tmp/shot.xwd: Permission denied
ubuntu@PrecisePangolin:~$ sudo su
root@PrecisePangolin:/home/ubuntu#  sudo bash /tmp/shot.sh >/tmp/shot.xwd
No protocol specified
No protocol specified
xwd:  unable to open display ':0'

EDIT 2!: HERE IT IS!: enter image description here

just uploading-this uploadong site is better than other iuset to use (: : enter image description here

Solution 1:


Make /tmp/shot.sh using this command:

echo 'sleep 20; DISPLAY=:0 XAUTHORITY=/var/run/lightdm/root/$DISPLAY xwd -root' > /tmp/shot.sh

You may change the seconds of sleep suitably.


Login to the text mode by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F1.


Execute this command;

 sudo bash /tmp/shot.sh >/tmp/shot.xwd


Return to the GUI mode by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F7.


Logout by normal way. While you can see login screen, wait for some seconds.


Login by normal way. And execute this command in terminal;

convert /tmp/shot.xwd /tmp/shot.png

(you need to install imagemagick, if you don't have installed it yet)

So, you can check the picture using this command;

eog /tmp/shot.png

Reference: http://ptspts.blogspot.jp/2010/02/how-to-create-screen-shot-of-gdm-login.html

In 12.04, it differs in using lightdm.

Solution 2:

The answer by vine_user gave me a Black image so I modified it as below and got it correctly

  1. Make /tmp/shot.sh with the command echo 'chvt 7; sleep 10; DISPLAY=:0 XAUTHORITY=/var/run/lightdm/root/$DISPLAY xwd -root' > /tmp/shot.sh
  2. Logout and login to text mode (Ctrl+Alt+F1)

  3. Execute sudo bash /tmp/shot.sh >/tmp/shot.xwd

  4. Return to GUI mode by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F7 (sometimes it is Ctrl+Alt+F8 - if it is your case then modify the fisrt command by replacing chvt 7 with chvt 8

  5. Use the command convert /tmp/shot.xwd ~/Desktop/shot.png to convert the /tmp/shot.xwd to ~/Desktop/shot.png (imagemagick is required)

Here is the screenshot of my login screen enter image description here