New posts in word-choice

How to say: "After cartoons are over" or "After she's done watching cartoons" or how?

Table VS counter?

What is a "remedy" for a "pitfall"?

What is the guy version of 'chick lit'?

Need a word for someone who has the need for people to be impressed by him

"On which" or "upon which"

"Orthotopic" or "orthotopal"

"Scar Tissue" vs. "Scar Tissues"

"Decouple X from Y" vs "Decouple X with Y" vs "Decouple X and Y"

another term/phrase for 'living in somebody else's shoes'

Does "What Have You Say" Mean the same as "What Have You"?

"Location" vs. "locality" [closed]

Applications in vs. applications to

Use of the word "lore"

Should I say "at a low price" or "at a low cost"?

"To be mad at somebody" vs. "to be mad with somebody" [duplicate]

If a company "creates value" for its users do the users "consume it"? [closed]

How to formally state that parents have not raised their children well

"A different one" when we have 3 objects - other/another? [duplicate]

"Spell check" vs. "spelling check"