New posts in windows-7

Disable autofocus on dialog window when I click on close tab in SublimeText

Civilization IV on Windows 7 fails to start after install

VM has become 'inaccessible' - Vagrant no longer working

PsExec runs remote GUI as black screen - Windows7

Can't Merge Windows Registry

DPI higher than 150%

Weird Directory sort order

Create shortcut for creating new folder in windows [duplicate]

DisplayPort Link Failure after monitor sleep?

Removing the #1 house from the screen of Lenovo Thinkpad

Windows 7 detects my 1 TB disk as a disk with only 31 MB space

Error turning windows features on in Windows 7 64 bit

Computer sounds, not music to headphones and computer speaker at the same time?

Scheduled task running as SYSTEM - execute something as current user?

Where is the " Clean up System Files" in "Disk Cleanup Wizard"?

HTTPS connections fail with Chrome

api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll is missing from your computer

restore windows 7 yesterday's state

How to install Windows 10 from an existing iso on my HDD?

Why does my monitor take over 5 minutes to display anything after turning it on?