PsExec runs remote GUI as black screen - Windows7

Be sure to set the -u and -p for domain\user and password on the remote PC. I was having the same issue and figured out that setting the user corrected the issue.

Try to use the -s switch, it worked for me.

psexec //remoteMachine -s -i kioskApp.exe

The -s switch is for ruuning the process as SYSTEM user, so I know it could be weird to combine those parameters, but it works!

Have you thought of setting up a scheduled task to run the program? You can use the "BUILTIN\Users" User when you create the task to have it run as the logged on user. Doing it this way would allow you to use group policy to send it out instead of depending an admin computer launching the program.

I'll warn you now that it will take some time and testing to get setup, but it is extremely powerful. I'd only try it if you can't get PSexec to work.