New posts in disk-cleanup

Where is the " Clean up System Files" in "Disk Cleanup Wizard"?

Windows 7 Disk Cleanup deleted 30GB of temp files but only recovered 10GB of disk space?

When to use disk cleanup

7z file manager crashed and left temp files behind

Turn off the Desktop Cleanup Wizard popup forever

Is there a way to know what the Windows Disk Cleanup utility will delete?

hdparm vs /dev/zero in hdd erase

Is it safe to empty C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\DataMart\PaidWiFi\OffersCache\Offers\?

Erase disk before selling

cleanup C:\Windows\WinSxS\Temp\PendingDeletes and PendingRenames

Used Disk Cleanup, now my Win7 won't boot

Is there any software for cleaning Windows' temp folder?

Windows 7: What is \Windows\Temp?

Why is "Windows Update Cleanup" missing from my Disk Cleanup?

Windows Disk Cleanup: "Compress old files" option

Can I safely delete folder $GetCurrent in Windows 10?

When running `rm -rf`, is it possible to exclude certain subdirectories?

How to clear Chrome/Chromium Edge Service Worker cache?

Why does Disk Cleanup take so much time and cpu?

How much storage should be taken up by 'System' in MacOS Sierra