New posts in 7-zip

Extract archive here, autodetect subfolder

Batch unzip all zip archives in sub directories; content of each archive extracted to new directory named after the archive

How to extract an incomplete 7-Zip file?

How to use Winmerge for archive compare

7-Zip: Getting Extraction Failed "Unsupported Method" when trying to self-extract and run setup.exe for a 7-zip file that has a password

Why does 7-zip.exe return "Access is denied" with these arguments/parameters?

How to unzip a zip file to a folder but avoid duplicate folders?

Create multiple archives from a directory without the directory root name being added to the archive

7zip - does it have a case sensitive option?

Extract large archive with 7-zip

Correct way to verify split files with 7-zip?

Redirect 7-Zip's command-line output to /dev/null on Windows when extracting a .7z file

What is encryption loss when unzipping?

How to create file with current date into folder with Windows cmd? [duplicate]

Scheduled backup of certain directories in Windows 7

Extract file from a zip inside another zip using 7z command line

Include only *.cs files using the 7zip GUI

7-zip doesn't open files with password from windows explorer

How can I specify the order files should be compressed in 7zip?

What does the number after 7-zip's -m switch mean?