Correct way to verify split files with 7-zip?

I'm using the 7z.exe in a script to create some archives with 7z.exe a -tzip -v100m, when the archives are created i verify them with 7z.exe t. When compressing big files, the result is for example:

When verifying the archives, running 7z.exe t returns Everything is Ok, but running 7z.exe t it just says Can't open as archive: 1. I'm assuming that since when extracting the files, you only run for example 7z.exe x, and not 7z.exe x, the same goes for verifying the files? That is, you only need to run 7z.exe t to verify the split archive. But i cant find a definite source on this when searching around, and would just like some confirmation that I'm doing this the right way.

7-zip is version 18.06

As gronostaj suggested, i tried damaging the .002 file and then running the verification of the .001 file again, which now fails. So my initial assumption was correct.