7-zip doesn't open files with password from windows explorer

Everything worked fine, then I updated 7-zip and files with password cann't be open. Windows 7.

Files without password open as usual. Everything works if I use 7zFM, browse to file and open it here. It works if I right-click "extract here". But if I just double click to browse it, it prompts password and after entering it it just disappears.

So, everything works except opening files with password from windows explorer to view their content in 7zFM.

What can be the reason?

Solution 1:

Get 7-Zip from a known site, such as 7-Zip.org, and reinstall the software.

Use an appropriate version, i.e., 32-bit or 64 bit.

N.B. The latest fully-tested release version is 19.00; v. 21.02 is labeled alpha, a test version. So if v. 21.02 is problematic on your PC. use v. 19.00.