Windows 7 detects my 1 TB disk as a disk with only 31 MB space

I've added another 1 TB Western Digital disk on my computer (there is a disk with 250 GB already), and after booting to Windows 7, it recognise the disk, but in the Disk Management panel, it says the disk has only 31 MB TOTAL space, so is what it shows in the EVEREST information.

And when I rebooted the computer and entered BIOS, it said the new disk has 0 MB disk capacity.

Is there any way to fix this problem?

For whatever reason the drive is mis-reporting its size. To fix this you need to go to and download "Atola Technology HDD Restore Capacity Tool." Launch the program and select the drive that you are having the problem with. Click the Restore Capacity button. When it is finished fixing your disk you should shut down your computer and leave it off for at least 10 seconds before turning it on again. When you boot your computer your disk should be back to its correct capacity.

See Restore factory Hard Drive Capacity When HDD Shows up as 32MB for more info.

It seems there's a problem with LBA (Logical Block Addressing) setting. Here is a topic on the same problem where last post offers a solution:

I had a similar problem where I purchased a new WD10EADS 1TB hard drive and it only recognized 32MB. I found the installation guide on the WD website and it recommended changing the BIOS setting for the drive to LBA (Logical Block Addressing). The BIOS still only saw 32MB, but when I rebooted Vista saw the entire disk and I was able to format/partition/etc.

Link to the pdf mentioned in the post.

From another topic on the subject here

The problem is the LBA size setting within the drive gets corrupted, overwritten by a number around 32MB. Drive manufacturers have tools to fix it, restoring the setting to its original (native) value. What actually causes the setting to be changed? The fact that it affects multiple drive vendors and multiple SATA controllers means almost certainly it's another Windows bug.

Samsung for example offers a tool that can be used to restore LBA settings as described here

  • Download Samsung's ES Tool. I burned the ISO image [1.86MB] onto CD.
  • Boot and run. ES Tool detected my Sil3114 card and HD103UJ no problem.
  • Under VIEW INFORMATION menu option the problem became evident:
    • Current Size 31 MB (LBA: 65134)
    • Native Size 953869 MB (LBA: 1953525168)
  • Under "SET MAX ADDRESS" menu option choose "Recover Native Size". NB. Don't use "LBA MODE | Process" because that option needs to wipe your data.
  • Reboot. Drive reappears in all its 931.51GB

Don't use the tool with WD disk since Samsung states it should only be used with their disks. You could ask WD support if they have some similar tool.

Use this software:

It seems that many 1TB hard disks are recognized as 32MB on Win 7, the above software helped me to fix the problem!!


Good luck!