New posts in dialog

Having application running above other app

Gimp color tools (colorize, brightness, curves, etc) aren't working

Unmodalize Dialogs (Make Modal Dialogs Non-Modal)

Switch audio outputs without using the GUI dialog for PulseAudio

Android Custom PopupWindow/Dialog

Prevent DialogFragment from dismissing when button is clicked

GnuPG: replace "pinentry" with custom GUI

Show a dialog box after a period of inactivity

Android - How to Dismiss All Dialogs in onPause

How do I get System.Windows.ShowDialog() to return 'true'?

WPF showing dialog before main window

Theme not applying to DialogFragment on Android

How would I implement stackoverflow's hovering dialogs?

Custom Dialog in full screen?

How to check the type filter in file open dialog?

Trigger a Browser's Save-As Dialog via Javascript using only On-page data

AppleScript exit if no action

Alternative to "FLAG_BLUR_BEHIND" in Android?

Disable autofocus on dialog window when I click on close tab in SublimeText

Multiple EditText objects in AlertDialog