New posts in window-manager

Browsing left (up) in column view with no horizontal scroll bar?

Move windows between KDE activties

Strange graphics issue after upgrading to 18.04 that affects only one user account

Display the current date & time in the window's title

Some Apps Appear in Mission Control but Not in the Application Switcher

How to use mouse scroll to hide windows?

Keyboard shortcut to partition screen

How to resize font size on window title bar on gnome?

Maximize window when dragged to top in Mint/Cinnamon

After the removal of Ubuntu Classic in 11.10, will I be able to install it once again?

Auto hide all other apps when clicking on an app’s window

how to switch windows faster...?

Expand window to free space on screen in KDE

Can I turn off window snapping in GNOME 3?

How did I set this annoying window margin on MacOS app and how to remove it?

Windows 10: How to hide window without closing?

Is there a way that Unity can remember which terminal window had focus and was raised?

Edge resizing on Mac Finder windows?

How to move windows to another workspace without switching workspace?

Is there a way to automatically maximize a window when dragging it to an external monitor?