How to use mouse scroll to hide windows?

I used to set the mouse scroll to hide the windows when scrolling on the title bar: alas, I can't remember how I did that...

Can you please tell me how to achieve it?

Solution 1:

You're in luck! Just the other day I was trying to do this and found out how.

  1. Press Alt+F2 to bring up the "Run Application" Dialog
  2. Type in gconf-editor and then press Enter
  3. Go to apps -> gwd
  4. Double click on the mouse_wheel_action row
  5. Type in shade as the value. Press okay and voila!

Solution 2:

For 12.10

Run this command in a terminal:

gsettings set org.compiz.gwd mouse-wheel-action "shade"

Alternatively, you can use dconf-editor Install dconf-tools to edit the settings.

Open dconf-editor and navigate to orgcompizgwd and enter shade for mouse-wheel-action.


Solution 3:

You can use Ubuntu-Tweak. Here is how to install it :

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak

Ubuntu-Tweak is a popular Ubuntu application that make it easier to config Ubuntu for everyone.

Here is a screenshot of the option in Ubuntu-Tweak (Titlebar mouse wheel action) :

Ubuntu-Tweak Window Manager Settings