How can I set up a keyboard shortcut to 'Aero Snap' windows in Gnome Shell?

In Ubuntu 13.10(probably 11.04 and above) the shortcuts would be:

Ctrl + Super + Up: Maximize

Ctrl + Super + Down: Restore/Minimize

Ctrl + Super + Left: Snap window left

Ctrl + Super + Right: Snap window right

If you hold down the Super key, you can get a list of these, and other, keyboard shortcuts.

PS. Super key aka WindowsKey key in Windows keyboard.learn more

Maybe the following keyboard shortcut can help you:

  • Super key(Windows key) + ↑(Up key) : Maximize window
  • Super key(Windows key) + ↓(Down key) : umaximize window
  • Super key(Windows key) + ←(Left key) : Move widow to the half left screen
  • Super key(Windows key) + →(Right key) :Move window to the half right screen

the latter two key shortcuts maybe satisfy your need. Good luck!