New posts in window-manager

Set "Always on Top" for a window

Do app developers have the option to prevent their window from being 'zoomed'?

HUD in other window managers (especially xmonad)

'Always on top' window on macOS

How can I find alert-type dialogs that prevent other windows of the same application to be focussed?

Window Manager vs. Desktop Environment vs. Window System? What's the difference?

When can they use ESC to close windows?

How to disable alt+click from moving windows in Unity 2D?

Closing a window in Mission Control [duplicate]

Is it possible to keep a MacOS application window "Always in the Back"?

Move window back from out of the screen

How to close, minimize, and maximize a specified window from Terminal?

Tiling Window Manager

How do I permanently change window titles?

Resetting application window size

Alternative way to move windows around screen

Where did the command-backtick keyboard shortcut go in 10.7 Lion?

Can you see a list of all open tabs in Safari?

Is there a way to merge windows of the same application without a "Merge All Windows" menu item?

What exactly does the little green "+" button do in Mac OS X?