Can you see a list of all open tabs in Safari?
Solution 1:
I don't believe there is a list of tabs available, however, there is a tab overview in Safari if you click
View > Show All Tabs
The keyboard shortcut is Shift+Command+\
Which will show you all of your tabs, grouped by which website they are.
Or if you have pinch-to-zoom support, you can zoom out and it will automatically jump into this view.
Solution 2:
Here is an AppleScript that will get the name of all Tabs in all Safari windows and show them in an unsaved TextEdit document.
You can save this as a plain script and access it from the Script menu on the Menu bar if you enable it in Script Editor's Preferences. Or as an App and it can be placed on the Dock.
tell application "Safari"
set windowCount to number of windows
set docText to ""
repeat with x from 1 to windowCount
set tabcount to number of tabs in window x
repeat with y from 1 to tabcount
set tabName to name of tab y of window x
set docText to docText & tabName & linefeed as string
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
tell application "TextEdit"
make new document
set the text of the front document to docText
end tell
The above source code was modified from Generate a List of Open Safari Tabs with AppleScript.