New posts in vocabulary

The place where the railroad crosses the road

What is a specific word to describe necessary products that customers buy infrequently?

Is "volumn" a correct word? [closed]

Meaning of "one order of magnitude improvement"

What to call a person who runs a non-profit organization?

What word means "explicitly forbidden by the most fundamental laws"?

One word for playing on the violin with a bow

Word for an opinion on a subject which, by definition, divides a group of people [closed]

Can 'operation' be accepted? [closed]

'Ours' meaning 'our home' - where is it used outside the UK, if anywhere?

What is the name of the relationship between someone and his/her relative?

Word for "someone who does the same job as me"

Generic word for a verse, chorus, or bridge of a hymn or song

Is there a word like cardinal or ordinal but for the “single, double, triple” series?

What's the opposite of "pro bono"?

Date as a synonym for anus

Is there a term for when people group 2 unrelated things they dislike into one entity?

What is the difference between "Class of 2004" and "Batch of 2004"?

What word means someone who’s satisfied with superficial knowledge?

How to speak mathematics [closed]