Is "volumn" a correct word? [closed]

Is "volumn" a correct word? or there is only "volume" only, and "volumn" is just a spelling mistake?

Cannot find volumn on any online dictionary.

Solution 1:

I've never heard of "volumn," and a few searches turn up nothing except several people who claim to have seen this word in use. Here a couple of researchers took on the task of finding it in the OED, but they couldn't. I think it's safe to say not a proper word.

It's quite possible for Google books to return instances of a word that are really typos or scanning errors, like this:

enter image description here

although sometimes the scanned book unmistakeably contains the word in question:

enter image description here

That latter example, though, was published in 1906. If volumn was once an acceptable alternate spelling of volume, it appears to have gone out of vogue, to the point where the dictionary editors don't want to acknowledge it in current editions.