How to speak mathematics [closed]

The following references are useful:

  • Pronunciation Guides for Mathematical Notation, Expressions, and Greek Letters (Reference list)
  • Reading Mathematical Expressions (PDF)
  • How can we speak math? (PDF)

There's a certain amount of variation in how signs are denoted in speech, not least that given signs may have a different meaning in context (simple example: a superscripted number is usually a power, but it might not be).

You're best asking a colleague who is a mathematician who was educated at, or has a long association, with the institution where you will be lecturing, and knows the standard conventions there.

If you're concerned about this, I am afraid you are likely to bore your audience to tears. Describing mathematical equations orally is rarely effective. You would be much better off to provide a hand-out with a numbered list of all equations you wish to discuss, and refer to them by number.