New posts in vocabulary

What do you call a person who's more focused on appearing busy than doing meaningful work?

A word for milk that has not "gone off"

What do we call someone who eats earthworms?

The meaning of "Buzzword" and "Hip" in a given text [closed]

What is the single word for "someone who is exceptional at one thing but horrible at everything else"?

Geopolitics *and* economics?

One word equivalent to "play with someone's hair"

A word for not knowing an appropriate word [duplicate]

Term for: People acting normally while others disbelieve

What is "generation X" and "generation Y"?

What is the purpose of using the word "coequal"

Word for seeing small differences between groups, when you're a member

Why doesn't {in love with} fit in the sentence: When I was a teenager, I fell _____ this Italian guy [closed]

When should I use "SARS-COV2" or "COVID-19"? [closed]

Word for speaking over others

What is the proper name to call "non-developer bloggers"?

What's the difference between a half-truth and a half-falsehood?

Does "flounder" work for sailboats?

Differences between "vulgar" and "coarse", "crass", "crude", "rough", "rude", "unrefined" as applied to language

What is it called when you say something but it does not imply for the other?