New posts in vocabulary

Origin of term "letting on"

Would you use the term cucumber-time and why?

What are the names for geometric arrangements like 'quincunx'?

Adverb for particular kind of smile

Is there a term for a married couple who have the same christian and surname?

The word for a prolonged "f" sound

Does 'game' have a meaning related to farming? [closed]

Are there any words which contain a double vowel, a double consonant, and also is 4 letters?

Difference between multilinguists and polyglots

"Waiting on" and "waiting for" [duplicate]

how do you call a person who doesn't share responsibility

Usage of 'realize'

Term for "over stimulation"

In which context is the word "libation" more often used?

How to formally state that parents have not raised their children well

How to use "no sooner... than..."? [closed]

Word or phrase for someone accepting a story completely & unquestioningly

Can we use "likewise" instead of "also" in formal writing?

Two Opposite Meanings of 'Cleave'?

"My question regards/concerns/relates to the following topic" [closed]