Are there any words which contain a double vowel, a double consonant, and also is 4 letters?

By "double", I mean the same letter twice. There are many double consonant 4 letter words. There are also many double vowel 4 letters words. However, are there any which include all three of these restrictions, specifically, in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Yes, but probably not in Merriam Webster. Looking at the OED, there's ooff:

Scottish. Obsolete. rare.

intransitive. To move (about) in a stupid manner.

If it doesn't need to have consonants, the OED also lists ooaa ("The Kauai oo, Moho braccatus, which is believed to have become extinct in the late 1980s"). If it doesn't need to have vowels that might be pushing the definition of word, but the OED has XXXX ("Used as a humorously euphemistic substitute for a four-letter swear word").

If CVCV/VCVC/CVVC/VCCV is allowed, then I'm using the power of regex with grep -i -E '^(.)(.)(\1\2|\2\1)$' /usr/share/dict/words, which gets me:

acca, adad, adda, affa, amma, anan, anna, arar, atta, baba, bibi, bobo, boob, coco, dada, deed, dodo, elle, eyey, gogo, gugu, immi, juju, kaka, keek, kiki, koko, kuku, lulu, maam, momo, nana, noon, otto, papa, peep, pipi, poop, ruru, sasa, sisi, soso, susu, teet, tete, titi, toot, toto, tutu, wawa, yaya