Difference between portable, mobile, handheld and wearable devices
What are main differences in portable, mobile, handheld and wearable devices in technical area and what are some examples of devices from each category?
Solution 1:
There is overlap between the terms when talking about devices
Portable - capable of being [easily] transported or conveyed. E.g. a laptop computer is a portable device (compared to a desktop device which can be moved only with some difficulty).
Mobile - capable of moving or being moved readily. Essentially a subset of portable, especially when designed to be used on the move, e.g. mobile/cell phones.
Handheld - small enough to be used or operated while being held in the hand or hands. E.g. mobile/cell phones or tablet computers.
Wearable - relating to or noting a computer or advanced electronic device that is incorporated into an accessory worn on the body or an item of clothing. E.g. smart watches.
So mobile devices are a subset of portable devices while handheld and wearable devices are subsets of mobile devices.