"My question regards/concerns/relates to the following topic" [closed]

Can I say

My question regards [an object]"

as a way of saying

  • My question is regarding...
  • I have a question regarding...

I like the brevity of it.

All of these phrases seem to work well. For more info on usage, check out Merriam-Webster.


"About/In relation to", I think is definitely safer and more versatile with "regarding" coming in second.

You can say, my question regards, but you would be in the minority here. If you google that construction, you gat a decent number of hits, but if you look at the quality of the hits, it's mostly personal blogs and questions to other bloggers.

On the other hand, question concerns comes up in solid writing, if you will, like the New York Times and professional sites, as does question relates (to) and question regarding.

Generally, I would choose concerns for brevity.

  • I have a question regarding politics.
  • My question concerns politics.
  • My question relates to politics.

but not

  • *my question regards politics.

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