What does Amber Gated mean?

I am reading an Employment Offer and there are case studies to illustrate the Code of Conduct, Breachs and Outcomes. If someone knows what amber gated means it would be much appreciated, eg:

The breach:
• Mr A breached policy by failing to protect confidential information and putting sensitive market information at risk

The outcome:
• Mr A received a written warning and was amber gated

Edit: My guess is that "it is an issue/mistake/problem picked up before it became a red flag", a term used to describe a formal slap on the wrist, yet I dont understand why in the above example Mr A was given both a written warning AND amber gated

Here is another example:

The breach:
• Miss B breached policy by sending confidential information to a public domain (Hotmail account)
• Confidential customer information was put at risk of being intercepted while in transit electronically
• XYZ company information should only be stored on the XYZ network. Miss B breached policy by saving XYZ information to her personal computer

The outcome:
• The email sent to the Hotmail account was detected through XYZ’s computer surveillance system and Miss B was requested to explain why she had sent confidential information to her personal email address
• Miss B was made aware this is a breach of policy and was amber-gated

It's a traffic-analogy from the OGC Gateway™ Review planning process.

Typically there are gateways (or gates) representing critical requirements, they will be assigned a red, amber or green (RAG) status, representing the severity of issues in achieving that requirement. My workplace (a large one), apparently like the place referred to above, uses such a system for managing the yearly employee review. Completion of training requirements, adherence to regulations, career plan discussion with boss, completion of reviews with staff reporting to you etc. are all gates the employee needs to "pass through" in order the complete the review. To speak informally, to set an employee's status on one of their gateways to red or amber would be to "red-gate" or "amber-gate" that employee. They are blocked from completing the process until the relevant issues have been addressed.

Here's a document discussing it. See p10 for colour coding meaning. Basically red means immediate action required, amber means action required, but not immediately.