New posts in versions

What kernel version comes with 11.04? [duplicate]

How to highlight changes when comparing versions of a document in OS X?

Update GCC to the 6.3 version [closed]

How do I get the version number of a snap package?

Minimum volume size to enable versioning

How do the .NET Framework, CLR and Visual Studio version numbers relate to each other?

Any idea how to disable Version?

`rm` and Mac OS X's Versions feature

What the meaning of package version number with word 'really' in the middle?

End of Standard Support and End of Life

How can I get GCC 4.7 installed on Precise?

How do I find out the version of Zookeeper I am running?

What are the GCC and clang versions available in Ubuntu 18.04? [duplicate]

Why documentation says release is 11.04 instead of 10.10 [closed]

Should you upgrade to ubuntu 20.04LTS from ubuntu 18.04LTS [closed]

Install PHP 5.3 on Ubuntu 13.04

Installing specific iOS version on iPhone 4S How to select as diff tool?

How can I install a specific older version of Firefox and keep it from automatically updating?

On 14.04, my kernel version is 3.11.0-18?