Install PHP 5.3 on Ubuntu 13.04

Solution 1:

You can install php as usual, which will install 5.4, then use this script to downgrade it to 5.3:

Procedure to follow

First you need to download the shell script from above link.

Once you have file you need to change the permissions using the following command

sudo chmod 755

Now you can run the script using the following command

sudo sh

Follow the on screen instructions It worked on Rackspace cloud Ubuntu 13.04 today!

Solution 2:

Unless you do a full recompile from sources on the 13.04 platform, I'd recommend NOT installing any pre-packaged version of an older PHP version on a later OS. The reason is that there are many incompatibilities between major releases and you'll be UNpleasently surprised when things do not work.

In any event, its going to be a hassle taking time and effort. You'll probably be forced into recompilation and reinstallation of a number of dependent packages as well to make this work. It could require a lot of effort to keep the old version as newer support packages are released and updated by the vendor as well (i.e. more recompiles and reinstalls).

Also, keep in mind that there are problems fixed in the newer version of PHP (security issues) that are not worth backtracking to an older version.

One other suggestion might be to reinstall an OS that supports the PHP version you desire as part of the distribution.