Wifi adapter not found Realtek R8822BE

Step1 : You must need a temporary ethernet internet connection (LAN cable or USB tethering from phone or wifi adapter)

Step2 : Once you have an active internet connection. Open the terminal and check for Wifi Driver Available in the kernel

$ lspci -knn | grep -i Net -A2

From the output we can see the current wifi driver is :

Lenovo RTL8821CE 802.11ac PCIe Wireless Network Adapter

Step3 : Search for ‘RTL8821CE Driver’, there is not yet a Wifi Driver for the Realtek RTL8821CE in the official Ubuntu Repositories.

There is a git repo : https://github.com/tomaspinho/rtl8821ce.git . Clone to that git repo

$ git clone https://github.com/tomaspinho/rtl8821ce.git

Step 4 (Optional):If you are getting any error like git not installed or gcc is not present , install them by:

$ apt install gcc $ apt install git $ apt install make

After installing above three packages rerun step3.

Step 4 : Once the git repository for the RTL8821CE Driver is downloaded, go to corresponding folder :

$ cd rtl8821ce

Step 5 : Compile the driver by using make utility.

$ make all $ make install

Step 6 : Insert the driver module to the kernel using ‘modprobe’ program.

modprobe -a 8821ce

Step 7 : reboot if necessary

Step 8 : We’ve successfully resolved the wifi problem by using above steps, But the wifi connection got intermittent without any specific reason, later we fixed that issue by changing power management options in Ubuntu.

$ nano /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf

Change wifi.powersave from 3 to 2.

Please let me know if you ever faced any issues, I’ll be happy to solve.