New posts in version-control

difference between git merge origin/master and git pull

Compare files between two branches in TortoiseSVN

Can GitHub show the history of changes made to one file in patch form?

Git non-fast-forward rejected

Structure of Projects in Version Control

How can I get my C code to automatically print out its Git version hash?

git repository sync between computers, when moving around?

git-svn: what's the equivalent to `svn switch --relocate`?

Tortoisegit asking password

How would you go about reverting a single file to previous commit state using git? [duplicate]

How do I rollback a TFS check-in?

Random 'concerns' folders and '.keep' files

How can I revert multiple Git commits (already pushed) to a published repository?

Git Interactive Merge?

Storing third-party libraries in source control

How to find untracked files in a Perforce tree? (analogue of svn status)

'git pull origin mybranch' leaves local mybranch N commits ahead of origin. Why?

Why is branching and merging easier in Mercurial than in Subversion?

How do I Unignore a file in TortoiseSVN?

Rebasing a branch including all its children