New posts in git-checkout

Is there a difference between "git reset --hard hash" and "git checkout hash"?

Switch current branch in git bare repository

Merging Branches Without Checkout [duplicate]

git clone and checkout in a single command

Fetch a single tag from remote repository

Can I use "git checkout --" on two files?

error: pathspec 'test-branch' did not match any file(s) known to git

How can I build a git tag in TeamCity?

How do I intentionally detach HEAD in git?

What's the git equivalent of "svn update -r"?

How to get a copy of an older version of a file in a git repository?

Git checkout does not change anything

branch and checkout using a single command

git: checkout files from another branch into current branch (don't switch HEAD to the other branch)

Visual Studio 2015 Git error message "Cannot pull/switch because there are uncommitted changes"

What is `git checkout --orphan` used for?

Is there a way to use wildcards with git checkout?

Git: Checkout all files except one

Git command to checkout any branch and overwrite local changes

Cloning an older version of github repo