New posts in vectors

Formality of Units in Cross Product

Find the equation of the plane knowing that it passes through 3 points

determination of the volume of a parallelepiped

Sum of the components of a vector [duplicate]

Is a vector's linear coefficients on non-orthogonal vectors equal to its projection on them?

Is there a possible geometric method to find length of this equilateral triangle?

English names for vector beginning and end

Can it be true that $\|v^t x\|>1$?

Proof for showing that $\text{dim}(W)\leq \text{dim}(V)$

What is the difference between a vector and its transpose?

Particle on vertex of a polygon moving towards adjacent particle.

Is the standard definition of vector wrong?

Gradient steepest direction and normal to surface?

Can anyone please explain the the difference between a vector and a matrix?

Volume of tetrahedron using cross and dot product

How to find the vector formula for the bisector of given two vectors?

For two vectors $a$ and $b$, why does $\cos(θ)$ equal the dot product of $a$ and $b$ divided by the product of the vectors' magnitudes?

Equation of a plane passing through 3 points

Why doesn't the dot product give you the coefficients of the linear combination?

The difference between applying a rotation matrix to a vector (points) and to a matrix (transformation)