New posts in vector-fields

Showing that $\nabla\times(\nabla\times\vec{A}) = \nabla(\nabla\cdot\vec{A})-\Delta\vec{A}$

Pushfoward of smooth vector field is smooth?

Is there a canonical way of lifting a vector field $X$ on $M$ to its tangent bundle $TM$?

Non-vanishing vector fields on non-compact manifolds

Prove that $T$ has a cyclic vector iff its minimal and characteristic polynomials are the same

The relation between two subspaces [duplicate]

What do the fibers of the double tangent bundle look like?

Can I comb unoriented hair on a ball?

Does the "field" over which a vector space is defined have to be a Field?

Do local flows of left-invariant vector fields satisfy $\Phi_X^t\circ L_x=L_x\circ \Phi_X^t$?

Question related to change of expressions of a vector field

Confusion in Line integral

When a vector field can be scaled to form a conservative vector field

extending a vector field defined on a closed submanifold

Let $X, Y$ be vector fields on a manifold $M$. Show, that $XY$ is not a vector field

Are there concepts like "Lie group-valued flow"?

Do $S^n$ and $\mathbb{R}P^n$ admit the same number of linearly independent vector fields?

The number of linearly independent vector fields on $S^7\times S^5$

Vector fields and group actions

Geometric intuition behind the Lie bracket of vector fields