New posts in users

Strange output when deleting user

Problem with Winbind/Samba

How to find out how many people have downloaded from PPAs [duplicate]

using screen in another user with su

Can I allow a standard user to execute only certain sets of command in terminal? [duplicate]

Admin password authenticates to log in, but not to install apps or change user accounts

What does the "Not In List" button do in the Ubuntu login screen?

Is there a way to create a hidden account?

sudo mysqldump : Permission denied

Create user ID `root` to force `gedit` to create user configuration file

Why does switching users completely hang my system every time?

When I create a new user, how do I automatically create a .virtualenvs directory in their home directory?

How to create new user with Public key authentication?

Clone user account but change privileges

Create file for new user

When Ubuntu asks for an admin user's password, how does it decide which administrative user to ask for?

Debian: how to create a user with root privileges (sudo)

what happens if all users are set as standard while root password not set

Disable PAM module for group

Do files/directories belong to a user AND a group?