New posts in privileges

Install a PortableApp from paf in a system with limited privileges. Handle it locally

What is the difference between the Administrator account and a User account that has administrator privilage?

Elevation: Accquiring the Admin Token in Administrator vs Standard Accounts in Windows

why can user increase nice of process but decrease requires root?

How do I fine-tune user privileges?

"login" to phpMyAdmin via different users

#1130 - Host ‘localhost’ is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server

C# administrator privilege - checking

Is there a way to disable updates/deletes but still allow triggers to perform them?

Initialize MySQL database as non-root and run SQL server for testing

Powershell has started running as administrator

How to automatically change permissions for files copied to a directory?

Spring Batch Framework - Auto create Batch Table

Allow non-admin users to mount drives via nautilus

Only root can play sounds

How to prevent dirty hands from touching my cookies?

Windows Store not recognizing Admin privileges

Grant privileges for a particular database in PostgreSQL

"IDENTIFIED BY 'password'" in MySQL

How can I regain admin privileges?