New posts in elevation

Elevation: Accquiring the Admin Token in Administrator vs Standard Accounts in Windows

I want to make an item on a Windows 7 Jump List run as administrator

On Windows 10 global hotkeys of nonelevated apps do not work from elevated apps

Windows 8 Task Manager without elevating?

Find Out the TrustLevel of a Running Process

How to Start a Process Unelevated

Elevating a ProcessBuilder process via UAC?

Locked out of Admin Account

Start elevated command prompt in %UserProfile% directory by default?

vim unable to write to files even though sudo is used

How to deny elevation to a program?

How do I easily elevate when running a .jar file?

How can I get the UAC/elevation prompt to remember my local username?

"Yes" is disabled in Windows 10 elevation dialog

How to run NOT elevated in Vista (.NET)

Is it possible to launch nautilus or gedit with elevated privileges?

How do you de-elevate privileges for a child process

How to tell Windows 7 that an application does not need to run with admin rights? [duplicate]

In Windows (10 specifically) why can a user stop or start a service via services.msc but if attempting to do this via cmd require an elevated shell?

Elevated Priviliges for Startup Applications in Windows?